Let me introduce myself…

Born in Detroit, MI my family relocated to Southern California when I was three, for this reason I can call myself a California girl. I grew up in Anaheim, down the street from Disneyland where we spent many wonderful evenings around the fire pit in the backyard watching the magnificent fireworks. I was surrounded with love and raised with the conditioning of honesty and ethics being the most important part of a persons character.

For the most part, my life was that of any other kid. Went to school, got better grades in some subjects than others, had a large pool of friends and obeyed the rules, bending only a bit from time to time.

Growing up and throughout my adult life I have been very content, always setting goals and achieving them, doing what made me happy always aware that in my heart of hearts there was something more for me, a bigger passion to live. Not having an accurate handle on it. I buried it deep down inside knowing that sooner or later it would present itself when I was ready. And boy, did it! It was loud and strong and I found I was no longer able to run from it, nor did I want to.

It was at this time I decided to begin to research, attend any classes available, and surround myself with like minded people. All the years of questioning myself on knowing things that I really had no way of knowing and would dismiss became abundantly clear. This knowingness was not my thoughts but instead thoughts from spirit which was their form of communication. Like a child in a candy shop and even until today, I wanted to learn more and experience more, breaking down the barriers that have closed me off from these messages.

As time went on and I was able to understand this more I was then able to decipher which of the four “clairs” are my strongest. Listed below is the order, starting with my strongest:

Clairsentience or “clear feeling” this involves receiving the messages with an emotional or physical sensation. In other words, during a reading I may get a whiff of perfume or smoke letting me know the person might have been a smoker for instance, that can confirm this with my client. It is very common for me to get a bodily feeling, a pain in my head will mean head or brain trauma, rapid heartbeat could be anxiety or heart attack, etc. Luckily my guides do not use the form of taste with me, as this, I have been told can tend to be to very unpleasant at times! I am also an empath, which means I can truly feel your pain or emotions, not just in my minds eye but physically. I have had to learn to do much protecting of myself not to leave a session holding this energy.

Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing” involves seeing pictures in my minds eye. Therefore I may see a duck for no reason at all only to find out that the person lived on a farm that raised many animals and had a fondness for the ducks that roamed around.

Claircognizance, or “clear knowing” which is the ability to know something for a fact but not knowing why or how. This is the one that I can look back at and see how it has been with me through out my whole life. It is the one that I would consider to be the strongest when running my daily life and remains as strong when reading for clients while leaving room for the other two clairs to show their strength.

I am a nationally known medium and psychic as well as natural channeler and empath. I am a certified Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master, Divine Peace Healing Practitioner and a Sha Ma Diksha Practitioner. My education process has been at the Institution for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological & Reiki Training (IMPART), where all necessary programs and certifications have come to completion, however I continue to practice and grow my abilities on a daily basis.

With love and light , 
Debbie Hamilton

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